Our Core Values

Category: Who We Are 

By: Cynthia Scholl 

Here at B to C Solutions, we believe everything begins with core values.  Core values are the principles and beliefs that you hold dearest.  They live at the heart of your being; you wouldn’t be you if you weren’t living out these values.   

We have identified 8 values that are intrinsic to who we are at B to C Solutions: 

Curiosity: We are eager to learn and explore.  We approach situations with curiosity, rather than judgment, and like to learn by asking questions.  We show our curiosity when we begin working with clients by doing an assessment and getting to know your team. 

Creativity: We are imaginative and inventive.  We thrive on brainstorming and collaboration to create innovative solutions for our clients.  We are at our best when we are solving problems creatively. 

Meaningful Work: We thrive when we do things that have a positive impact on others’ lives.  That’s really the heart of our mission: to elevate others’ lives by being part of their journey. 

Challenge: We believe that the path to thriving requires testing our abilities and pushing outside our comfort zones.  Our clients expect us to challenge them as we help them to grow. 

Contribution: Our work is driven by collaboration and teamwork.  Our purpose is to partner with our clients toward a common goal, to be part of something bigger than ourselves, and to leave something valuable behind us. 

Authenticity: We are truthful and genuine.  We build trust with our clients by being our authentic, vulnerable selves. 

Intelligence: We are guided by logic as we learn and adapt.  Our clients can trust that our recommendations are rational, realistic, and rooted in logical decision-making processes. 

Courage: Everything we do is underpinned by courage and bravery.  We approach every day with the courage to live these values through our work, and we ask our clients to be brave as we journey together on the path to thriving.  As Dr Brené Brown says, “Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”   

We are so honored that you are here to learn more about us.  Feel free to follow us on Instagram or LinkedIn for more! 

If you would like to explore your own core values, please contact us to schedule a session. We do core values exercises with individuals, teams, and organizations.  Knowing who you are at your core is key to deciding how you want to get where you’re going.